
Posts Tagged ‘technology’

Our minds are always full of questions – some of them accompanied by vivid answers, some with a couple of possible answers and an unending chain of unanswered ones for those who think and observe a lot. In the quest of enlightenment and inner peace i also keep looking for the answers around me with a hope that one day i’ll either find all the answers or i’ll happily let go of the questions to get rid of my restlessness before my conscious flies out of the cage of my body.

During past few months i lived in a new environment, adjusted myself to a new culture and observed the ways of life in an unfamiliar place – interestingly i found out that human instincts are the same where ever you may go. The conditions and particular situations do change the moods and way of our dealings however inside the covers humans are very much similar. Sometimes they are kind, sometimes they are happy, sad, jealous or angry and at times they are not good to each other. Sometimes they expect a lot from others without understanding that they are also obliged to return the favors but we can’t ignore the fact that our environment and our upbringing plays a huge role in the way we act and react throughout our life. We can’t blame anyone – all we can do is to understand our good and bad sides and keep working on making ourselves a valuable member of society.

As recently I have traveled to new places so i got the chance to meet a lot of people – made new friends, got  new inspirations and learned new things. I have also lived alone, learned life lessons and tasted the sweetness and bitterness of loneliness. Sadly the world is becoming more materialistic day by day – people are ignoring their loved ones and family members in the name of self love and trying to blindly follow the hypes created by social media without paying attention to the consequences.

I have seen couples eating together in silence and eyes glued to their phones – i have seen mothers ignoring their kids as their source of happiness is a bright screen which keeps setting new goals and desires for them which eventually result in depression when the mind gets loaded with heaps of wishes without any clue how one may change those dreams into reality.

Some of us just want to wear a celebrity’s life as if it is a piece of garment but we don’t check whether that famous person is truly happy in living that life or not – we buy what we see. I wish that all of us may realize the importance of our own life and our style and contribute towards the society in what ever way we can – the past is past, we must live in the present moment and use our energies to live it to the fullest. Another important thing is to understand that we don’t have to fly to multiple countries and take our pictures at five stars and popular tourist destinations to show that we are living an amazing life – we don’t have to make anyone jealous of our possessions – we must remember that our actions should not spread negative feelings – there are many positive ways of making ourselves happy and as soon as we may understand this the better. My observations can be wrong, my words can’t be final but my intention to educate people that life isn’t that difficult as we make it for ourselves is pure and i keep spreading it to the attentive ears around me. These days i mostly read verses of Persian poetry and few excerpts from “West with the night” along with occasional glance on a Reddit page on “Stoicism” and write for some of my clients who need either technical or travel articles however today when i came back to my room after playing badminton i sat down in front of my laptop after shower and wrote this blog post to spread the words of love, peace and humanity on the cyberspace which is rather bubbling with words written for search engines and probably my words will also be read by search engines more often than the real people – but still i have to play my part – i have to justify my present moment 🙂

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A never ending journey of inventions and scientific research to add luxuries and comforts to the life of humans has taken us to the modern world of internet and fast communication. Today we use internet for communication, learning and even for fun. Internet is a part of our lives now.
VOIP (voice over internet protocol) is a voice communication technology that is getting popular day by day due to low rates and better compatibility with modern technology. For a layman VOIP; is telephony on internet. For experts it is digital telephony on the basis of IP. Today computers, laptops, notebooks, i-phones and wi-fi enabled mobile phones are common. These devices are connected to each other with internet and hence they are able to communicate. In past we used telephones for voice communication; which used a large wired network to provide the service. Now that service could be enjoyed with much more options and flavors without wired network; using VOIP.

After installation of a wide telephone network almost around the world; efforts were made to enhance data communication over the networks which gave birth to internet but now studies and analysis are being carried out to make low cost and secure voice communication possible on the internet.

I am sure most of the people would have experienced voice communication using Msn, Yahoo or Skype. They provide the voice communication service on the basis of VOIP.
Though the quality of service is not that good as compared to wired network but the issues; like bandwidth utilization, compatibility, environmental stakes and cost make VOIP an optimum choice.
Some other attractive features provided to the users by VOIP are call barring, call holding, call forwarding, call recording, music on hold, voice mail and much more.
Now someone can say that most of the above mentioned services are also being provided by the old telephone networks these days then why to talk about VOIP? The answer is that old analog networks have converted to digital setups and therefore they are able to provide these services. Though call rates have been decreased as they were in the past but still voice communication is insecure and call costs on circuit switched networks are higher than calls conducted via secure packet switched network; the internet or in technical terms via VOIP.

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Microwaves find their application in communication, medical equipment, heating purposes and many other domestic uses. Their frequency range is from, 1 to 10^6 GHz. Transmission lines used for microwaves are coaxial cables and waveguides.
waveguides carry microwaves as transverse electromagnetic waves. the path followed by microwaves in waveguides is one of the solutions of Maxwell’s equations. this path is called mode. their is a certain cutoff frequency for each mode and if the microwaves incident on the opening of waveguide have greater frequency than the cutoff; they travel through the waveguide.
waveguides are usaually rectangular or circular, other geometric shapes are also in use but they are not common.
Historical microwave generation and amplification were achieved by applying “velocity modulation theory” proposed by W.C Hahn and G.F. Metcalf in 1939.
Basically the variation in electron velocity in the drift space is known as velocity modulation.
R.H Vaeian and S.F.Varian described a two-cavity klystron amplifier by using velocity modulation just after four months of the proposition of velocity modulation theory.
In 1944 R. Kompfner invented the helix-type traveling wave-tube (TWT).
From that onwards the era of conventional vacuum tubes ended and the application of new principles in the amplification and generation of microwave energy started.
Microwave solid stae devices, such as tunnel diodes, Gunn diodes, transferred electron devices(TEDs), and avalanche transit time devices moreover quantum electronic devices such as masers, lasers and infrared devices have been been developed.
All microwave solid state devices use commonly; the principle of “negative resistance” for microwave oscillation and amplification. phenomenon of negative resistance supports the fact that negative resistances generate power and they act as active devices.
Gunn diodes and tunnel diodes work on this principle.
For a layman microwave is just a source of heating a meal but it is important to know that the human organs and organ systems have been reported to be susceptible to microwave energy in terms of functional disturbances and structural changes. Fortunately these effects are still in the range of normal or physiological compensation.
There is still much room for exploiting the field of Microwaves as scientists are working on the possibility of using microwaves for generating electricity in the space and then transmitting it to the ground. let’s join them in their efforts by working and researching the intricacies or otherwise wait for the outcome of their efforts.
Refference: Microwave Devices and Circuits by Samuel Y. Liao

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